Rafa Nadal Foundation
For more than 10 years the Rafa Nadal Foundation has been working with the strong conviction that sport and education are transformative tools with which we can create a better world. We accompany children and youngsters on their way to a quality future.
We create safe environments where everyone feels cared for, supported and valued — a context where effort is the key to their development and to access new opportunities. We team up with the best to ensure their well-being at all levels, to reduce inequalities and contribute to their happiness.

Through our projects in Spain and India, we directly contribute to 4 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which in turn become our four main lines of action.

Good health and well-being
The promotion of regular physical activity is one of the foundations of all our projects. We encourage children and youths to maintain healthy lifestyle habits along with proper hygiene and nutrition, and we advocate the physical, psychological and social benefits of practicing sports.

Quality education
Quality education is not only academic education, it also includes non-formal education, values education, physical education and emotional education — aspects that are addressed in all our projects, always using sport as a driving force.

SDG 10
Reduced inequalities
We aim to offer equal opportunities to all our beneficiaries regardless of their condition, thus contributing to their inclusion in society.

SDG 17
Partnerships for the goals
Our work methodology has always been based on the support from our collaborators, partners and other institutions in order to create a network that pursues the same objective and thus maximize our impact.
This intervention system materializes through our operating projects:
- Social integration of vulnerable children:
- Intellectual disability:
- Talent promotion:
For more information: www.fundacionrafanadal.org