Fundaci�n Rafa Nadal Santander

Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander 2024.
The charity tennis tour
for U-12, U-14 and U-16 categories!

Check out what's new in the 11th edition!

11th Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander-Gijón (Asturias)

The entry lists, the draws and the order of play for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander in Gijón have been published. Thank you very much for participating and see you in Gran Gijón!

11 edicion
11th edition

11th edition

The Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander 2024, a charity tournament for the benefit of the Rafa Nadal Foundation, consists of 7 tournaments held in different Spanish cities and a final master tournament in Mallorca.


All registrations must be submitted only through the tour’s website.


Sportsmanship, commitment, effort, fellowship... are also the key players of the tour!

The Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander is a charity tournament.
All profits are destined to the projects that the Rafa Nadal Foundation s carrying out in Spain and India for more than 10 years.

More information in Rafa Nadal Foundation

The Tour in pictures

The Tour in pictures

Discover everything the

Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander

has to offer: matches, off-court activities (values training), prize ceremonies...

Visit the gallery
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